Academic integrity and professionalism

You are expected to be professional attending the course including class participation and assignment quality. For instance, you should dress business casual or more formal. Cell Phones are to be turned off and no text messaging/IMing during class.

Attendance is required

  • You need to submit written explanation for each class you missed. Only medical and family emergency are the valid reasons to miss a class. Please let me know beforehand in case you are anticipating such an even.
  • For four or more misses, you are required to bring in your parent/guardian.
  • If you miss more than 25% of the classes, you will be an automatic fail. ยท


You need to sign in a roster title "Reason for being late". Three occurrence will be penalized as the third day as absent.

Late Assignment

  • 1 day ~ 75% of graded
  • 2 days ~ 50% of graded
  • 2+ days ~ 0

Do not hurt your fellow students- be fair

  • Cheating- grade inflation!
  • Loud conversation- Distraction. Use a paper-note if you have to communicate during class and pass it quietly.
  • Abrupt movement- Distraction. Don't do.
  • Request special favor- grade inflation!.

Environment Friendly

Reduce your usage of paper (Without effecting your productivity). Recycle papers as appropriate.

NSU Policies Disclaimer

NSU policies supersede the course policies (as applicable).

Checkout relevant section for policies regarding Makeup- classes, quizzes, exams, plagiarism ...