Exam Room Policy


  • Keep your stationary in your desk.
  • Keep both your hands where the faculty can see them.
  • Turn off cellphones. Keep it in the bag.
  • Keep bag underneath the table or in the front area of the exam room.
  • Sharing is not allowed.
  • Answer questions... No matter what..

Failure to follow these rules will result in expulsion. 

Bonus Policies- General

You will have a few opportunities to improve your grades using bonuses.
These bonuses help you recover parts of your grades that you missed during
midterms, finals and similar. Follow the relevant section to figure out how
you can get bonuses.

Group Assignment, Term Project Bonus

You have to show that you made efforts towards group assignments.

  • The opportunities will be announced.

  • Only members who are present will get the bonus.

  • You have to do a complete presentation.

Midterm 1, Midterm 2 and Final Bonus

Before any midterms or the final, there are several opportunities for
bonus. These are adjusted to your Midterm/final grade and posted online
within. In general 1% bonus for each instance.

Example situations

  • Finding errors that could potentially confuse students.

    • Errors in Lecture slides, website, examination questions, IOAs
      (Online Quiz).

    • Typos that do not confuse students are not eligible.

  • Elaborate course topics with sophisticated examples (teachers

  • Special performance by students who are working in the real world.
    Consult beforehand.

  • 3% final bonus for having outstanding attendance (100% recorded

  • Other opportunities are announced.

General Bonus Policies

  • Everybody has equal opportunity to participate in it.

  • Your participation will be recorded immediately and posted on the
    course website within a week. In case your participation is not
    recorded, you cannot get a bonus.

  • You cannot have a dispute on bonuses after the final grades are
    posted. Check grade-tabulation beforehand.

  • A maximum of 3% bonus added per section (e.g. Midterm 1 bonus).

  • You cannot get more than 100% in any section (e.g. M1 bonus).

IOA Policy

  • You can review books, journals, online documents during the assessment process.
  • You will not be graded if you do not complete the IOA, i.e. you will have to answer each and every question. You can leave a question blank or randomly choose answer in case you want to jump forward.
  • You can login/logout normally and still continue the IOA within the
    time-limit. Try to finish the IOA immediately after it is assigned to ensure that small problems can be mitigated.
  • You cannot change an IOA answer after your have submitted it once.
  • Also review the plagiarism policy and makeup policy.
  • Group discussions are allowed before you appear for the assessment and NOT during the assessment.

How you will be monitored

Caution: Your network IP address, the time you are responding to a particular answer and the pages you are visiting are tracked by the system. In case of ambiguity, you might be required to reproduce your IOA result in person without prior notice. In case you cannot achieve similar result, you will be prosecuted as per plagiarism policy.

Technology Policy [Traditional]

You are required a good command and/or availability of the following technology component.

  1. Internet access- Also available through NSU
  2. Smartphone
  3. Computer- Also available through internet
  4. NSU Email account
  5. Browser (software): e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
  6. Office Application Suite: Microsoft Office Suite 2010 or later- Also available through NSU.

Call IT for support

  • 1425, 1417, 1411, 1405, 1403, 1413, 1404,1402, 1406, 1410
  • Holiday Support (Friday - Saturday): 1425, 1411, 7001 & 7002

Lab Room Policy [Traditional]


  • You can only use a working computer
  • Sharing any information/data among students is not allowed

Do not

  • Email
  • Social networking site
  • Flash drive

Midterm Makeup Policy [Traditional]

Makeup is possible only for individual evaluations- individual assignments and midterms. Makeup is not possible for finals, IOAs and/or group assignment. Only accidents/medical emergencies concerning you and/or your immediate-family are acceptable.

If you are eligible for a makeup, please follow the section below

Step 1: Prove that you have been attentive by finishing all the optional assignments

  • [Checklist] Present all GAs/Term Projects Send videos for all labs
  • [Checklist] Get 80% plus for all the IOAs

Step 2: Email an online application Send a formal application explaining why you missed the assignment.

  • [Checklist] Provide with proof(s) of a valid reason you mentioned in the application. E.g. in case of a high fever you need to attached a doctor's note and/or prescription. You might need to bring in your parent/guardian in case your proofs are not convincing enough.
    • Include your name, NSU ID, course and section, semester, missed examination description, date of the missed assignment.

Step 3: Online scheduling and a hard copy of the application (with supporting documents)

  • [Checklist] Schedule the makeup within 3 weeks. Propose a date/time by consulting with other students who missed the same examination (across sections, via Facebook group)
  • [Checklist]  Use the same application that you sent online- include the date/time of the exam. Include one of your parents/guardian's signature of approval, phone number and a suitable time to call.
  • Step 4: Appear for the exam

    • The exam is open book/notes.
    • The syllabus is the same as the missed exam.
    • The question pattern is subjective (broad questions and short questions only) and with limited choices. It will be more comprehensive in nature.

    Setp 5: Grade posting

    • Your final grade will reflect your makeup score. 

    Assignment Submission Policy


    • Filename- Include your course, section, assignment number and your NSU ID/group name. E.g. MIS107-4 GA-1 00148575767.docx, MIS107-4 TP-1 Group- Blue.pdf

    Software applications to use

    • Check the assignment description for any special software requirement.
    • For reports, G Suite (Google docs, Google Sheet) is the preferred method.
    • For video casting, use the webm or mp4 format.
    • If you want to submit files incompatible with the software above, please get consent from the faculty.

    Makeup Policy- Faculty/NSU

    NSU Announced Makeups

    We will follow all makeups announced by NSU as well as all policy of NSU.

    Instructor Missing a Class

    The instructor missing a class will follow with a makeup. The makeup will be announced considering the convenience of the student. In case you miss it follow the missed class guidelines. Important points (FAQ)

    • 1% attendance bonus will be awarded
    • You can attend any session if multiple sessions are offered
    • Attendance will be taken

    Group Policies/Responsibilities

    • Brainstorming/Mindmapping is required for all group assignments. You need to proivde a copy (e.g. a photograph in your presentation).
    • If one of the member of the group cheats, the group will get a zero for the assignment. Review the plagiarism policy for more details.
    • You have to use a shared Google doc file for each assignment. Communicate with your group members at least every two days after a group assignment is posted. 
    • Use a closed Facebook group for communication. Also post all members emails and phone information.

    Strike/hartal/blockade Policy

    In view of explicit instructions from UGC (2015) and the NSU Authority, there will be (scheduled) class during a strike/hartal/blockade unless it is stated in the university's website (notice board).

    • Come to the class only if you feel safe
    • Attendance will be taken
    • You will be responsible for the contents covered. Consultation will be provided later during office hours for missed classes
    • Missed classes (re)scheduled by the NSU authority will be followed


    if 50% or more students miss activities like presentations, labs, exams

    • Activities will be rescheduled

    Else you have to go for a makeup.

    • For midterm- follow the relevant makeup policy
    • For labs- follow the faq section on what to do if you miss a class
    • For presentation- call/come during my office hours for a rescheduling

    Grading Policy

    Standard NSU Grade Distribution Scheme will be followed which includes provisions for curving.

    A 93-100
    A- 90-92
    B+ 87-89
    B 83-86
    B- 80-82
    C+ 77 79
    C 73-76
    C- 70-72
    D+ 67-69
    D 60-66
    F 0- 59

    There are bonus points and there might be grade-curves (as appropriate). Curves are adjusted before your bonuses are added. You get bonuses in integer (1%, 2%, or 3%) increment and your total grade in any particular evaluation area (e.g. Mideterm 1) cannot be the maximum allowed for that evaluation area.

    Usage Policy

    By visiting or using this site (also referred to as "course website"), you (also referred to as the "user", "visitor", "student") agree to be legally bound by the following terms and conditions.

    The administrator reserves the right, to update or revise these "Terms of Use" at any time without notice. Check the Terms of Use at least once a week for changes. The revised terms will be effective immediately as soon as they are posted on the site and by continuing to use the site you agree to be bound by the revised terms.


    All materials, information, software, products and services, included in or available through this Site (also referred to as "content") are provided on an "as is" basis. The content is provided without warranties of any kind.


    Any use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance, whether or not for profit or commercial gain, of any part of the content on the website , without prior written permission or authorization is strictly prohibited.

    Communication/Email Policy

    Use email: Effectively

    1. You need to contact using your NSU email address.
    2. Use a proper subject and body of the email
    3. Make clear communication- use bullet points as appropriate
    4. Include your Course Name, Section, Session, and your NSU ID
    5. Do not use unnecessary capitalization

    Don't use Email ...

    • If your concern is time sensitive and/or complex. For instance before the exam you would want to meet me in person to get your concerns resolved
    • Your email did not get answered for three consecutive work-days

    Note: You can schedule an in-person appointment using by calling during the office hours.

    General Course Policies

    Academic integrity and professionalism

    You are expected to be professional attending the course including class participation and assignment quality. For instance, you should dress business casual or more formal. Cell Phones are to be turned off and no text messaging/IMing during class.

    Attendance is required

    • You need to submit written explanation for each class you missed. Only medical and family emergency are the valid reasons to miss a class. Please let me know beforehand in case you are anticipating such an even.
    • For four or more misses, you are required to bring in your parent/guardian.
    • If you miss more than 25% of the classes, you will be an automatic fail. ยท


    You need to sign in a roster title "Reason for being late". Three occurrence will be penalized as the third day as absent.

    Late Assignment

    • 1 day ~ 75% of graded
    • 2 days ~ 50% of graded
    • 2+ days ~ 0

    Do not hurt your fellow students- be fair

    • Cheating- grade inflation!
    • Loud conversation- Distraction. Use a paper-note if you have to communicate during class and pass it quietly.
    • Abrupt movement- Distraction. Don't do.
    • Request special favor- grade inflation!.

    Environment Friendly

    Reduce your usage of paper (Without effecting your productivity). Recycle papers as appropriate.

    NSU Policies Disclaimer

    NSU policies supersede the course policies (as applicable).

    Checkout relevant section for policies regarding Makeup- classes, quizzes, exams, plagiarism ...

    Plagiarism and other academic dishonesty

    Important facts about plagiarism

    • Unaware students plagiarize unintentionally.
      • Often student do it unconsciously.
      • Sometimes plagiarism might seem socially acceptable as the penalties were not harsh enough.
    • Plagiarism is often easy to identify by using special software to search through digital content including Google search. There are also specialized tools to detect plagiarism like http://www.turnitin.com
    • Copying somebody else's content is a form of plagiarism. In such cases, all parties are guilty.
    • Students are responsible for educating themselves about it. 
    • If you let another student copy your coursework both of you are same guilty of plagiarism
    • NSU does not allow plagiarism and has strict policy regarding it.  

    Avoiding plagiarism

    • Citing sources properly
    • Do not copy anybody else's content or let anybody copy your content
    • Do not copy paste from the website, textbook or similar
      • Rather than texts directly from the textbook- use your own words.
    • Increase you confidence on you skills and knowledge
    • Understanding the fact that plagiarism is not a way to help your fellow student (friends). Consider other methods like group study and similar.


    • If plagiarism involved proxy and/or copying, all the students involved will be penalized.
    • You will get an F for the course and you will be reported to the department head
      • Your assignment grades will be set to zero.
    • If you were unaware of plagiarism then you can appeal for a reconsideration. In such a case, you have to do the followings
      1. You will be required to write a formal letter of apology explaining
        1. Why you did it ?
        2. Why it was wrong (explain five different points/impacts/demerits)?
        3. What should you do to avoid plagiarizing in future (explain five different points/actions)
        4. What will be your message to other students who might be thinking of doing the same (explain five different points)
      2. You will be required to create/sponsor a 6'x4' or larger poster to raise awareness about the type of plagiarism that you did.
        1. Your poster should include both graphics and text including course, section, and instructor information (in small letters, as the sponsoring individual).
        2. Get your poster design approved before you print/draw it.
        3. You will need to get permission and design/print the poster.
        4. It should be displayed in the NSU common area or near the elevator for no less than a week.
        5. Make sure it is secured (by talking to guards/other ways) or you have to draw it again
      3. You will still get a zero grade for the assignment. If it is a Midterm, you can bring in your parents/guardian for a makeup.

    What is Plagiarism, lying and copying?

    Plagiarism is a serious academic offense often caused as a student uses someone else's work as his or her own. Read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism. In another form, plagiarism is the incorporation of someone else's work without providing adequate credit or when it is not appropriate.

    Copying is a common form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is an academic dishonesty and so it lying. These are serious offenses and these are dealt with severe punishments particularly in an academic setting.

    Learn more about plagiarism


