Makeup is possible only for individual evaluations- individual assignments and midterms. Makeup is not possible for finals, IOAs and/or group assignment. Only accidents/medical emergencies concerning you and/or your immediate-family are acceptable.
If you are eligible for a makeup, please follow the section below
Step 1: Prove that you have been attentive by finishing all the optional assignments
- [Checklist] Present all GAs/Term Projects Send videos for all labs
- [Checklist] Get 80% plus for all the IOAs
Step 2: Email an online application Send a formal application explaining why you missed the assignment.
- [Checklist] Provide with proof(s) of a valid reason you mentioned in the application. E.g. in case of a high fever you need to attached a doctor's note and/or prescription. You might need to bring in your parent/guardian in case your proofs are not convincing enough.
- Include your name, NSU ID, course and section, semester, missed examination description, date of the missed assignment.
Step 3: Online scheduling and a hard copy of the application (with supporting documents)
- [Checklist] Schedule the makeup within 3 weeks. Propose a date/time by consulting with other students who missed the same examination (across sections, via Facebook group)
Step 4: Appear for the exam
- The exam is open book/notes.
- The syllabus is the same as the missed exam.
- The question pattern is subjective (broad questions and short questions only) and with limited choices. It will be more comprehensive in nature.
Setp 5: Grade posting
- Your final grade will reflect your makeup score.