Participation Policy

This course uses participation point as part of your total grade. You get points when you answer a question (faculty asks you or you volunteer to answer) during a class. 

  • Each question is worth 2 points, you can get 1 point if you are present in class and 2 points if you can correctly answer the question

Due to internet connection or other problem I was not present in class. How can I recover my points?

1 If you missed a class/class-time that resulted in a 0 in your participation point, you can volunteer to answer a question and get the points in the next class.
2 Only 1 answer will be counted in a day so If you missed multiple you have to answer .
4 Volunteer answers wil be graded only if you get full marks (2).
5 You can immediately ask why you were given a certain grade.

See Also: