Get approval
- 1. Email an application explaining
- Assignments missed (Maximum 50%)
- Why missed with proof (e.g. Parent Signature)
- Request that you want an I
- 2. Get application approval during an office hour
Complete the missing assignments
- Follow the “Class Notes” document for assignment posting (you can also talk to the faculty during an office hour)
- Email me the assignment. Notify me after you have completed all your missing assignments by email.
- Received a grade at the end of the semester.
N.B. You should not register for the class (with NSU by paying money) again.
How to solve/dispute a grading error?
Why there are errors?
Even when your faculty tries to remove errors during your grading, errors are natural. To reduce the errors, you are given times to provide your feedback before the grades will be turned in.
What to do if you find an error in your grade?
If you find an error in grading, you have to create a dispute as soon as possible. During the final grade submission week, you will have 1 day to dispute a grades after it is published
How do I submit a dispute?
Email me with yout concern. You might be asked to seek help from teh facebook-group/class-monitor in cas your email is not clear. Also you can get help from facebook
You need to submit in person during office hours or by calling during the office hours. Unfortunately emails create more confusion and takes a long time to resolve disputes and not entertained for submitting disputes.
How long will it take to resolve?
Your dispute should be resolved immediately.
What if your dispute claim was false?
In case of two false disputes, you will not get time for making another dispute. This is because the time it takes to review makes it difficult. Consider reviewing materials before you make a dispute. You can visit my office to check your exam-copies, attendance and the similar.