Talha Kabir
Hello everyone,
I am Talha Kabir. I did "Information System and Computer" in my first semester under our dedicated faculty Mr. Adeyl Khan.
I did this course online, so reliable internet is essential. I would also keep my phone as a backup device for any network or power cut issue.
For exams, I followed the mindmaps, slides, and lecture videos (on Youtube). I would solve questions from last semester. To quickly solve a question, the mindmap is very beneficial. To get good marks in exams, follow lectures and his examples and develop your examples rather than coping from the internet (this is plagiarism, you will get a zero).
Attending bonus opportunities and getting full marks in bonuses got me a good grade compared to others. Try to be punctual and late submissions are penalized heavily.
Thanks for reading this; I hope you get your desired grade. If you have any queries about this course, feel free to knock me on Facebook
Labib Sayeed
Hi guys,
Hope you all are doing great. I am Labib Sayeed, and I completed the "Information System and Computer" course under Mr.Adeyl Khan. I truly consider myself lucky to get such an amazing faculty, and I believe you will too. I find him a genuinely cool faculty. And you can rather easily get a good grade under him.
The most helpful advice that I can give someone trying to get a good result is to take every mark seriously, even for the bonus marks. Many students end up not giving that much emphasis on the bonus marks but, trust me, you don’t want to miss a single bonus mark. Just read the question banks and do the lab attentively, and surely you can snatch all the bonus opportunities.
In the case of mid and final, a very easy way to do well is to solve the question banks and read and follow the mindmaps. And always emphasize providing a well-written example with your answer. Make sure to explain why that example is related to your answer. I think a well-written example can make or break your answer.
Lastly, always join the class from a PC/Laptop, have backup internet during exams, and never be late while submitting work.
I hope that these words will help you in your class and get a good enough grade to celebrate with a Kacchi. Last but not least, enjoy the classes.
Here’s my Facebook link; feel free to text me for any queries, and Good luck with this course.
Saadat Hasan
Hello everyone,
My name is Saadat Hasan, and I completed MIS107 under the tutelage of Mr.Adeyl Khan, who is without a doubt one of the coolest faculty.
My strategy to get an A in this course was straightforward. First of all, stable internet and a proper functioning device are crucial since we are online.
Secondly, to prepare for the exams, I watched the lecture videos, followed the mindmaps, created notes of my own, and solved the sample exams. I made a timetable of my own and allocated a sufficient amount of time to each task. The plan also helped me deal with other courses, as well as I felt less clustered and enabled me to handle the pressure in a much more organized way.
Finally, to secure a good grade, I would highly recommend having consistency. Going through the slides on time will go a long way while writing your answers for the exam.