I'm Amina Afrida, and I've completed MIS207 with Mr. Adeyl Khan in Fall 2021. Here are the things that helped me achieve a good grade:
During exam time, I watched the lecture videos, took notes, and referred to Mindmaps (that's a must). While taking notes, I wrote examples from an organizational perspective, making my concepts clearer. Also, solving previous exam papers helped me understand the question pattern. Moreover, before exams, the faculty solved a prior question paper in class which helped me figure out how to answer the questions better.
I made sure to attend all the bonus opportunities, and they played a vital role in achieving a good grade. Revising the question bank before the transformer bonuses helped me gain the bonus points.
Furthermore, I always had my laptop charged before class and had mobile data as a backup if I didn't miss any classes. I made sure to attend all the classes as it helped me get bonus points for having 100% attendance.
For labs, I rewatched the lab-class recording while doing the lab work. This prevented me from making any mistakes and losing marks.
For the term project, I collected the previous semester's reports from past students, which guided me to get an idea about the project's outcome.
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I hope this helps. I wish you all the best!