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How I got a good grade: 

Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Thanks to almighty ALLAH (swt) for all his blessings.

MIS205 is one of the most interesting courses I have ever gone through. It gives a fundamental idea about E-business and the way it works. Trust me, by following some few simple rules you can ensure an easy ‘A’ in this course.

  • Try not to miss any class, as you won’t be able to grab the proper understanding of the lectures being covered in the class by just going through the slides or book at home.
  • Try to ensure all the bonus points for good attendance and class participation. Build up your confidence and participate as much as possible
  • You need to work hard to acquire good marks in GA ( group assignments). Always finish your works before deadline and make sure everything is to the point don’t write extra stuffs in report or presentation for which you might lose points.
  • Go through each of the slides and book to understand all the concepts, if you have any problem try to visit sir in his office hour. (you might get sir’s special coffee as a treat as well :p )
  • Prepare your cheat sheet 2-3 days before your exam. Don’t write/draw everything. Identify the key points and write those. Diagrams are really important, but don’t waste your space by drawing full diagrams. Draw the portions you might forget.
  • Do not memorize the IOA, try to understand the reason behind every answer.
  • Last but not least, try not to violate any of his policies, please go through all his policies before your semester starts.


Thank you everyone and best of luck !