Getting an "A" grade in all the three courses was quite difficult, especially in MGT 314 but it was possible only with hard work. It is a must to attend all the classes because the lectures are as important as self-study and also for the bonuses for attendance, etc. I once even got a bonus for the 'best cheat sheet' so you never know what you can get a bonus for. It is important to prepare your cheat sheets with utmost care because this is like a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" at NSU and helps a lot during exams! Also for the assignments you must follow all the instructions provided (policies, etc) and consult with Sir from time to time as his guidance really helps. Last but not the least I would like to quote Mike Tyson, who said, "As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want."
Best of luck!
Courses and Sessions: MIS 105 (Fall 2012), MIS 205 (Spring 2013), MGT 314 (Spring 2013)