Report Writing | Components of a report
Consider your group as an outside consultant team working for the organization. Your team is assigned this project by your reporting manager (a top level official). Your audience is the senior management of the company.
Components of a report
1. Title Page
- Include assignment title, group name, member names and IDs, course information and dates.
2. Executive summary
The executive summary is designed to be read by people who will not have time to read the whole report or are deciding if this is necessary- you need to say as much as possible in the fewest words. The executive summary should briefly outline the subject matter, the background issue (problem statement), the scope of the investigation, the method(s) of analysis, the important findings arguments and important issues raised in the discussion, the conclusion and recommendations. To simplify, use this sequence to organize your content (1) Goals, (2) Problems (that you encountered during your study), (3) Results and (4) Recommendations. Consider revising the summary and eliminate the topics that are less relevant.
- Maximum 200 words.
3. Declaration of originality
In this are you will need to declare that the project report written and submitted to the Adeyl Khan, North South University is your own content which has not been copied and.or reproduced elsewhere. You also need to acknowledge that such reproducing is liable for punishment in any way the university deem fit. The declaration statement needs to be signed by all the members of the group.
- Please limit your "Declaration of originality" to a single page
- Make sure all the group members sign it
4. Company guide certification
The point of conatct of the company you will work on will act as a guide. This is the person who will help you get relavant information from the organization. In this part your guide will certify that the project at the company was done under his/her guidance and it is an original project. This document needs to be signed by the group members as well as the guide. Make sure to include the contact information and the designation of the guide.
- Please limit your "Company guide certification" to a single page
5. Acknowledgement
In this section you acknowledge the contributors who helped you complete the project by cooperation, guidance. Be specific regarding what is the contribution you want to acknowledge.
- Please limit your acknowledgement to a single page
6. Table of contents
See the General Reporting Guidelines.
7. Contents
Content section of the report can have a maximum of 12 pages except full page diagram that you create. See the General Reporting Guidelines
8. Bibliography
See the General Reporting Guidelines.